About Me

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Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, United Kingdom
Bit of a long tooth IT Manager - been and had a few hobbies, as for the title, I make glass beads, its Called Lampwork, I brew my own Beer, its called fun and I take photos, thats the oldest hobby, since I was 16 or so. My first camera was a Zenith E - then a Pentax KR to go digital after a long stint with a Pentax Super A. Now a Nikon D5200 and a D7100 with a Sigma 150 f2.8 macro lens to play with amongst others. Please note all photos used are my own and I retain full copyright to all of them. Thank you for respecting digital ownership

Saturday, 29 August 2015

A few bits and bobs from August

Had a few trips arpund various places, Kenfig, Cwm Col-Huw, Lincoln, our garden, here are some of the photos that I liked.

This is from Cwm Col-Huw, farmers field behind the reserve, grain ready to harvest in the evening sunlight

A few hoverflys

 This is a Helophilus pendulus, a nice little fly - well marked and quite easy to ID

This is a 'common' one, a vagrant visitor, Sphaerophoria scripta, as you can see no common names for these.

On the other hand, the dragons have common names

 Common Darter, Sympetrum striolatum, they are nice dragons and a lot around at the moment

This one is a Migrant Hawker, Aeshna mixta. It was taken in Lincoln in mother in laws garden, not uncommon but less seen than others.

 A Flower Beetle, he was not happy at me taking his picture - very much a 'My Flower, back off !' type of thing.
Butterflys,  common and a lot about this year - Speckled Wood, like them a lot, any woodland glade or ride, in fact anywhere there are a few trees !

To finish off a favourite flower - Autumn Ladies Tresses, the latin name says it all - Spiranthes spiralis, the flowers are on a spike around 6cm tall, rarely more, and spiral up the stem. They are lovely close up - ( why I like Macro ) they look to be made of spun sugar or frozen water

Thats enough for now, some more later when I get chance to take them

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