I recently bought a speedlight flashgun for my macro set up –
to get the depth of field I want at the magnification I want with the low ISO I
need to be able to use fill in flash.
I had part of a day at Llanelli WWT at the weekend with my lady to enjoy a
walk and to try out the flash on camera, a start to get a feel for the settings
I need to get the correct lighting and depth of field etc.
Willow leaves with rain |
Horsefly female probably Tabanus autumnalis |
Soldier fly Odontomyia viridula |
A sawfly on a sowthistle- no idea which ! |
a BIG Hoverfly - Volucella zonaria |
Common Spotted orchid |
Emperor Dragonfly |
Following on from that I ordered a sync cable. This will
allow me to use the flash ‘off camera’. This is so I could move it to the side
of the lens and towards the front so I had more control and could model the
light better.
Out in the garden,
Harvestman |
Bee mimic fly |
Ruby tail cuckoo wasp circa 10mm |
Lots of work to do on getting the base settings correct but
it is not a bad start.
The range of insects is interesting and it will require some
time to experiment to get the best lighting effect without creating ugly highlights
on insects, and ugly shadows on surrounding plants.
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