Took youngest to airport for 10am Sunday 16th – Gatwick – not exactly
close but what the heck no way she was getting there otherwise. Her trip to
Iceland was paid for so I guess she had better go !
Yoke and I decided that as it was a stunningly nice day to
drop in at Wisley RHS garden -
- as it was on the way, that was a good call as the day was indeed fantastic,
touched 20c !
The Magnolias were in flower, as were the Cherry, Azaleas, Camellias,
spring flowers, bulbs etc. The hothouse was in full flower for orchids and
they had butterflies in as well.
A few shots to show what it was like,
Random Butterfly |
Glasswing Butterfly |
Camellia - one of many |
Cherry Trees in full bloom |
Main Glasshouse |
Magnolia Black Tulip |
Water Lily Lake |
Comma Butterfly |
Cymbidium Orchid |
Magnolia in front of main building |
Ladybird |
Magnolia against the sky - it was clear blue all day |
Magnolia Stellata |
Magnolia Tree - yep, they grow that big |
Owl Butterfly |
Pasque flowers |
Slipper Orchids |
Strelitzia - Bird of Paradise flower |
taking notes |
Tree Nymph Butterfly |
Treecreeper |
Vanda Orchid |
We left quite late but felt very relaxed, something about ‘spring
has finally arrived’ I think.
I think you might have spoken a bit soon about spring arriving, its been bitterly cold this weekend, the winds cutting an icy path through any jacket or jumper. I love the magnolia against the blue sky, fabulous photo, those butterflies are really beautiful. Lovely pics as always, one day I will be as good as you!! Laney