Well again its been a while, things happen, time passes and
work happens, days goes by.
Its still dark-ish
and coldish, we saw an eclipse – missed the Northern, a bit southern, Lights, shame that.
The beer I made is very drinkable but will benefit and
improve further from another few weeks given its strength if it gets the chance.
Been to Cosmeston, a few more bird shots. A Wren, this one
is very much work in progress, not happy with it but a big step up from
previous attempts.
The Jays are still proving to be shy – so far this is the
best but I intend to get better – time and patience will tell
The Coal Tit was not happy, they are very nervous of the
bigger tits and the Nuthatch was busy nicking all the sunflower seeds.
Not to mention the big grey ones eating anything and everything
At this point there were two Nuthatches going for the seeds and this one was not
happy about it.
I am going for more ‘in habitat’ shots
We can all recognise the Blue Tit and the Great Tit
Even Magpies are less than co-operative here, top of the
trees so far is all I get
Done better with the Great Crested Grebes this time around
The Dog Violets are out and the ‘prunus’ trees are in flower, the ferns are starting up again, love the way you can see the cell walls in the strands
A few reminders of the last autumn are still
about like this Cow Parsley seed head and a mixed message from the dog rose,
last year – this year
In all been a nice couple of weeks moving into a real
spring, now for summer to deliver !