Had a day off today so decided to go and play with the
camera, a local area nature reserve – Aberthaw, I managed to get a poor picture
of a Green Tiger beetle there a while ago so my view was to try again,
a bit
better this time but still lots of room for improvement, a good number of
Dragons and Damsels were about, including a Emperor that would not land but was
hunting all the time as well as defending territory, one shot I really want to
perfect is the in-flight shot so time to practice panning and focusing while
panning !
not brilliant but not bad for a start. Then there was the shiny new
Common Darter
and a slightly worn Black-tailed Skimmer. If you look closely you can see he was using this piece of polystyrene as a dinner table
Aberthaw has a good number of orchids each year but this
year seems to be an absolute stormer – I especially like the Marsh Helleborines
and the Pyramidal Orchids amongst the
Common Spotted and Marsh orchids
There was alos this splendid chap - Mullain moth, the actual moth is rather boring in comparison
Then off to Parc Slip and another go at the Emperor
in-flight. Being as these guys can do a seriously fast turn of speed, they are
after all apex predators I was not too unhappy with my attempts but lots of
work to perfect this technique is needed